Regulatory Economics

Peregrine Economics specializes in providing expert analysis, strategic guidance, and data-driven solutions to help businesses, government agencies, and organizations navigate the complex and ever-evolving landscape of regulatory policies. Our dedicated team of economists and regulatory experts are committed to helping our clients make informed decisions, optimize operations, and achieve compliance while maximizing economic benefits.

Key Areas of Expertise

Regulatory Impact Assessment:

  • Provide an assessment of the potential economic impact of proposed and existing regulations on your industry and organization.
  • Evaluate the cost and benefit implications of regulatory changes.
  • Provide public comment letters addressing the economic impact of proposed regulations.

Compliance and Strategy:

  • Develop compliance strategies tailored to your specific industry, ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements.
  • Assist in the design and implementation of internal policies and procedures to meet regulatory standards.

Litigation Support:

  • Offer expert witness services and economic analysis in legal disputes involving regulatory matters.
  • Provide economic expertise and data analysis to support litigation strategies and case preparation.

Cost-Benefit Analysis:

  • Conduct in-depth cost-benefit analyses to assess the economic implications of regulatory decisions.
  • Provide quantitative and qualitative insights to inform decision-making processes.
  • Develop modeling and forecasting tools for assessing regulatory outcomes.

Market Studies and Competition Analysis:

  • Analyze market dynamics and competitive forces to help clients adapt to changing regulatory environments.
  • Conduct economic assessments of market concentration and competitive practices.

Our Regulatory Economics Practice stands out for several reasons:

  • Depth of Expertise: Our team of economists and regulatory specialists bring a wealth of experience and knowledge in navigating diverse industries and regulatory frameworks.
  • Customized Solutions: We recognize that every client and regulatory challenge is unique. We tailor our solutions to your specific needs, ensuring that your goals and objectives are met.
  • Analytical Rigor: We employ cutting-edge economic modeling, data analysis, and regulatory evaluation techniques to provide you with robust and defensible insights.
  • Results-Driven Approach: We are committed to delivering tangible results and working alongside our clients to achieve their regulatory and economic objectives.
  • Industry Connections: We maintain strong relationships with regulatory authorities, industry associations, and policymakers to provide you with the most up-to-date insights. 

Our Regulatory Economics Practice is dedicated to helping clients navigate regulatory complexities and thrive in a dynamic regulatory landscape.